View Profile KoMaT

88 Movie Reviews

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How can man transform violence into fun

Good Movie, may be too much serius...
And you should put in more violence: People need violence , WE need violence...
Violence is like the food, it's essential for a good life!!!

P.S: KOMMANDER t'aura pas encore quelque exemplaire du "MANUEL DU GENOCIDEUR"??? Il leur en faudrait un ou deux...

CA un film noir! T'as fumé mon pote!!!

La j'écris en français parceque j'ai les boullllllllllllles!!! Non sérieux ils font chier avec leurs faux films tout merdiques!!!! Nan sérieux faites mieux que ca!!! Y'a plein de bon film sur NG alors pourquoi ne pas s'en inspirer et faire un truc meilleur?? That is THE question!

P.S: If you don't understand this message suicide you, if you can't, take your English-French dictionary.....I'm just a bastard, no more :D .....although.....

Work with Mind....Good.

Just a good movie!!! In Paris (where I am) it's 9am, I'm going to school to fuck up all the fucking people who want to learn the fucking things there. And that movie give me some motivation...Thank!! :)

P.S: Il faudrait que j'achète un nouveau marteau, j'ai cassé le mien hier en crucifiant mon prof de math...

P.S (translate) : I must buy a new hammer, I've broken mine yesturday, when I was crucifiing my mathematics teacher.....

Good...but...but...butbutbut...that need something

This is a quit good movie, and I like it realy, but it needs more...I don't know what but something...so try to find what's wrong and then...KILL IT!!!!!

P.S: KOMMANDER, t'aurai pas un peu de ketchup??? j'ai fini le mien...et au faite, j'ai loué The TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE I, on se le regarde ce soir???

...need more...Genocide?

...that movie needs...more...Violence...I think...more Sodomy...more...more...EXTRA GENOCIDE :D....

P.S: Faudrait leur faire lire "l'Esprit du Grand Génocideur".....il en prendrait de la graine...n'est ce pas KOMMANDER?

ONE MORE!!!!!! ONE MORE!!!!!! ONE MORE!!!!!!

EXELLENT, just EXELLENT!!! I believe in the ClockCrew Powa!!! (NoSens bless Them!) So you realy bastard cause you fuck all with that fucking great movie! I'm proud to know ClockCrew and his ClockWorkers!!!

"- Who said that MotherFuckingChildren(c) are nasty guys?
- It's me...Master...
- Pray God, you have 2min 34
- Why 34?
- Just to clean your shit."
Chronique de LaMortQuiTue Livre VII, Chapitre 3

P.S: Putain j'arrête pas de chier KOMMANDER, on aurait pas du bouffer autant de pruneau, maintenant je chie liquide...

When Violence join Pathetic...

Your movie is realy good but throw away the scene with Satanas&Co ... that's make your movie too...Pathetic...

Continu...and I just say : "MORE!!!MORE!!!MORE!!!MORE!!! MY THAT "MotherFuckingChildren" (c) CRY LIKE BIATCHS!!!"

P.S: KOMMANDER t'aurais pas vu ma pipe???

That never be better than a good "SOBE"...

...What about making some episode which will be more...Violent...more...Stupid...more...Sarcastic? (Long life to ClockCrew)

P.S: Faudrait qu'on se remate un chtit Clock KOMMANDER...au faite, on se voit ce weekend? (j'ai de la semoul et des cornichons)

and what?

...I'm seriously disappointed by your movie: it's an unfinished movie and so I ask myself "Why present a movie which isn't finished?"...may be you can give an answer?
But the idea is good, make it better...if not...TAKE A LANCET IN YOUR FUCKING ASS!

P.S: Il nous font de la concurence la! Et KOMMANDER, faut qu'on se bouge les fesses!!! (Au faite il était très bon ton couscous d'hier soir)

OH MY GOD!!! He has made a good movie!!!

...You know guy that you are a realy fucking bastard...how can you make a so godd movie!!! Look at the others: Now they're crying!!! It's unfair to make good movies like that!!!

May be you have forgotten some thing: at the end you could write "YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKED" "(strongly")

Continu like that and my mother gonna cry like a public urinal...

P.S: KOMMANDER pense a envoyé a ce type un peu de Napalm...il en reste dans la boite de la cuisine.

Genocide yourself.

Age 38, Male

Play cards with God

Horrible Bahut


Joined on 5/7/03

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